How to recover a Metamask Password
Have you ever tried to recover your Metamask password and failed? Metamask addon or standalone versions have several severe bugs. You should be aware that by using the software there are several bugs where it will freeze or disappear your wallet. Also, if you forgot the password it is still possible to recover it.
Having that said it is crucial to avoid these things if that happens.
If your Metamask password stops working
Do NOT remove it or reinstall. This will render you Metamask to be reset and you may NOT be able to recover your funds ever again if you didnt backup it properly.
Before upgrading Metamask
Dry run your seed on a different machine, so that you make sure you have the seed. Why is that? Because there are several reports of the mail wallet to disappear when you upgrade your Metamask.
How to remember your Metamask Password
Write a list of your old password. Split them up with words, numbers and special characters separated. Now compile a list of all components in various positions. This will help you create new passwords based on your current guesses.
Restoring Metamask Wallet from a seed phrase
If you tried to restore your Metamask from a seed and the seed is not accepted, then you might have written a word or two wrong, dont panic, there is ways to find that missing word.
Connecting Metamask Wallet with Trezor
If you connected a Trezor and used a secret wallet, there are reports of bugs when connecting the Trezor to a different Metamask the secret wallet disappears. It is therefor important you try your Metamask/Trezor seed and secret phrase one extra time before transferring a significant amount to your wallet.
If you forgot your Metamask wallet password?
What can be done if your Metamask wallet is gone or you have forgotten your password? Alot.
First, try this guide by the official Metamask folks, they have written a pretty good step by step guide how to recover your seed if your wallet freezes or stop working. You can find it here:
There is also an interesting article by KeychainX, you can find it here:
Metamask Madness
If you still did not manage to recover it, then send mail to us and we will try to help
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Stay Safe!